Five Tips to Grow Your Email List

Good marketers know that email marketing is a crucial way to reach their audience, and the more people on their email list, the better. What some marketers fail to realize is that the average email database degrades by about 25% every year, so building a list is a never-ending process. Here are five tips for easily and effectively growing your email list.

Understanding the Customer Journey

Many of us have been led to believe that the channels we use to target our audience work separately from each other-in silos. In reality, the customer journey is far more complex than that.

4 Tips for an Effective Landing Page

A landing page is only as successful as the message it conveys and the people that visit it. Businesses often see inadequate results from landing pages because they simply do not know what an effective landing page looks like. In fact, the typical landing page loses more than half of its visitors immediately. How do you keep visitors on your page and generate more conversions?