Overlooked and Underrated: The Value of Onsite Search

Despite its critical role in digital marketing today, onsite search is often overlooked. Onsite search is a form of search limited to the contents of a site, unlike a search engine like Google which indexes pages from all over the web. Utilizing onsite search enhances user experience (UX), drives conversion rates, deepens understanding of user …

Move Forward With Drupal 10

In the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), Drupal has emerged as a powerful and versatile platform. With its effectiveness, open-source nature, and strong features, Drupal has become the go-to choice for millions of websites worldwide. Since the release of Drupal 10, it has made significant strides in revolutionizing website management. Key differences between Drupal …

Navigating CMS Updates and Patch Management

A website’s health is very important to its online success. Site performance and security can be improved through Content Management System (CMS) updates and Patch Management. Staying updated with the latest changes in both CMS and Patch Management is not just an option but a must for businesses. It impacts the user experience, customers confidence, …

At a Glance: WordPress 6.3 Update

WordPress 6.3, named “Lionel” after jazz artist Lionel Hampton, introduces enhancements for streamlined website creation. With upgraded design tools, improved controls, and enhanced accessibility, this release offers a more user-friendly experience. Notable features include the consolidated Site Editor, enabling easy management of content, templates, and patterns. Preview block themes before switching and create synchronized design …

At a Glance: Drupal 10

In the world of Content Management Systems (CMS), Drupal has emerged as a powerful and versatile platform that is driving digital transformation across various sectors. With its effectiveness, open-source nature, and strong features, Drupal has become the go-to choice for millions of websites worldwide.  Since the release of Drupal 10, it has already made significant …

At a Glance: Contentful

Contentful is a headless content management system where the content authored in the hosted platform is delivered via APIs for seamless display across different devices. With an uncluttered user interface, Contentful is an efficient tool for creating and managing your content online. With Contentful, you can manage all your content within the CMS no matter …

At a Glance: BigCommerce

BigCommerce is a leading Open SaaS platform with the industry’s most versatile solution for innovative ecommerce. BigCommerce offers many features that will help start your online business and will empower innovation for your brand. BigCommerce is an ecommerce software platform that provides many services to startups and established companies. The platform includes all the basics …

Kentico vs. Adobe Experience Manager

Choosing the right content management system (CMS) is key to creating, managing, and optimizing your customers’ digital experience. Kentico and Adobe Experience Manager are two of the best platforms that are on the market today. When it comes to your company, you should choose the platform that has the features that best fit your needs.  …