Get Your Event Listed In Google Search Results

If you plan to host an event, you can help people discover your events by utilizing Google’s powerful search algorithms to drive organic traffic to your website. But, how exactly do you get interest for your listed event on Google? Google Event Listing and Showcase are the answers.

Thinking about hosting a seminar, or a networking event? With event listing, people are able to discover your event when they search “workshops this month” or “workshops near me.” When you list your event on Google, it is automatically added to other Google products. For example, your event will be shown on Google Maps.

How to Promote Your Event Using Google

There are three options to make your events appear on Google, but it all starts with how to properly build an event:

  1. If you use a content management system (CMS) (such as WordPress or Drupal), the plugin or extension can add the structured data for you. Alternatively, you can use the Data Highlighter that allows you to tell Google about your events without the need to edit HTML.
  2. Google lets you use structured data for direct integration with its platform. You are able to include specific event data such as the date, time, venue, and description. After receiving that information, Google is able to showcase everything as an event listing.
  3. If you’re already using a third-party website to list events (such as Meetup, or Eventrite), check if they participate in Google’s event search experience. To check if your third-party site integrated with Google, search for an event on the platform and see if it shows up in the search results. If the site is integrated with Google, continue to post your events on the platform. 

If you are ready to start marketing your events and need an integration partner who understands how to connect these tools with your website, contact Starkmedia today. We have a team of strategists, designers, and developers ready to help move your brand forward.