Kentico Certified Developer

We are proud to announce that a developer on our staff recently passed the Kentico Certified Developer exam. Passing the exam and earning the Kentico Certified Developer certification demonstrates a developer’s experience and technical problem-solving skills, and recognizes them as Kentico CMS experts.

Developers who pass the certification exam have not only successfully proven their Kentico skills, but they also gain a mark of approval and distinction that strengthens their credibility and gives them a competitive advantage over other developers. Earning the Kentico Certified Developer title displays a desire to learn, grow, and become an integral part of the Kentico community.

These credentials demonstrate Starkmedia’s proven ability to properly leverage the functionality and capabilities of Kentico CMS for our clients, and ensure that they are receiving the expertise needed to develop, deploy, and maintain Kentico projects.

To learn more about Kentico and how Starkmedia can help get you started, contact us today and move your brand forward!