At a Glance: WordPress 5.0

In December, WordPress announced the latest update to their content management system: version 5.0. WordPress 5.0’s features are designed to streamline a user’s editing experience and allow for more flexibility with how your website’s content is displayed.

At the core of WordPress 5.0 is a block-based editor named Gutenberg. All content will be contained within its own block which allows for easier maneuvering. This new block-based editor will not change the way content looks on a website, but instead simply allow for faster and easier rearranging.

Alongside the default blocks—such as paragraph, heading, image, etc.—that already exist within the platform, reusable blocks can also be created. The reusable blocks will make it easier to add new content to your website at any time and guarantees that the content structure cannot be easily disturbed by accidental code edits. The main goal of the block-based editor is to preserve a consistent design and feel across your website.

WordPress also announced the introduction of Twenty Nineteen, a new default theme that showcases the block-based editor.

As with all full version platform upgrades, we highly recommend that you do not choose the automatic upgrade button from the administration as development changes may be required to ensure your site’s theme and any installed plugins are compatible.

Contact Starkmedia today for an assessment and estimate to ensure the transition goes smoothly and you experience the most from this update!