How to Optimize Your Site for Mobile Search

Several months ago, Google announced its plans to switch to mobile-first indexing. Since then, there has been a lot of discussion held by marketers and webmasters alike on the effects Google’s new mobile-first policy will have. In case you are unfamiliar with it, mobile-first indexing will change how websites are ranked: rather than looking to desktop versions of sites, Google will use mobile versions of sites to determine rankings.

Using mobile devices for online searches isn’t a trend that’s going to slow down any time soon. Many businesses will need to make their websites mobile-friendly if they don’t want their rankings to drop. This might seem like an overwhelming project, but there are a number of basic adjustments you can make to your site to improve its performance for mobile devices and increase its mobile search ranking.

Website Design
In order to do well in mobile search, sites need to accommodate different screen sizes. This means that your site will need a separate mobile-exclusive version, dynamic serving, or responsive design. (If you have trouble choosing between these options, Google recommends that you go with a responsive design.)

Page Speed
Your website’s page speed might not seem like an important factor, but it is. Websites that take a long time to load suffer in search engine results. Even if you think your website loads quickly enough, check it anyway.

User Experience
The elements within the structure of your website will need to be suited to mobile users’ needs. Everything from the appearance of your site to its basic functions needs to be engaging and interactive. Make menus easy to navigate, links easy to click, and text easy to read.

Do you want to prepare your website for the switch to mobile-first indexing? Contact us today. We’d be happy to consult with you about optimizing your site for mobile search.