Make Your Customers Your Marketers

Companies have to think outside the box to find innovative ways to remain relevant and increase sales. One of the strongest ways to increase sales is through word-of-mouth.  Positive words from a customer to the public have the potential to garner more interest, create a larger audience and increase sales.

Gone are the days when a marketer needed to use traditional tactics to gain the intrigue of the public; it’s best to play smarter and make your customers work for you.

Find a target influencer

With social media and blogs, there are active users with rather large audiences or “followers.” They are called influencers and often times are used to help promote a brand or message to the general public. twitterConsumers are more willing to trust a third-party more than the actual brand, which is why influencers are extremely important to brands. Whether it is through a blog post, tweeting or an Instagram post, influencers with large audiences can help generate interest.  If the message from the influencer to the public is done effectively, it has the potential to allow growth for a business.

Utilize customer reviews

Before you buy a product there is a large chance that you take a peek at the customer reviews. The good, the bad and the brutally honest, customers are not afraid to talk about their satisfaction or complete disappointment in a product or services.  Customer reviews are a form of word-of-mouth because it gives customers a chance to speak their mind and tell others about their experience. It also shows that you are interested in hearing what your customers have to say and that you value their opinion.

Marketing can be more effective than it has ever been for your company when you begin to look at your customers as your marketers. Are you interested in including your customers in your marketing strategy? For more information, contact Starkmedia today.