At a Glance: Hulu Ad Manager

Hulu is the most popular ad-supported TV streaming service in the US, with 112 million monthly viewers. With streaming’s increasing popularity and declining cable demand, incorporating streaming ads into your marketing strategy is crucial. Hulu Ad Manager offers flexible budgets and effective audience targeting options, making it a great choice for expanding your business’s reach.

A significant advantage of using Hulu Ad Manager is the ability to target audiences by ZIP code, designated marketing area, city, and state. Targeting local customers can be complex with other forms of advertising. Still, Hulu Ad Manager makes it easy for businesses to reach new customers as they binge their favorite TV and movies. Hulu Ad Manager can help companies of all sizes reach new customers on Hulu, as campaigns can start with flexible budgets as low as $500.

Advertisements on Hulu Ad Manager can run for 15 to 30 seconds, and Starkmedia can help you create compelling ads that will work for your business. Additionally, Hulu Ad Manager offers a reporting feature to track campaign performance, essential for developing future ads and determining effectiveness. Starkmedia can help analyze these results to ensure your campaign reaches the right customers to help grow your business.

Contact Starkmedia to learn more about how we can help you reach the right customers for your business with Hulu Ad Manager.