SEO Spotlight: Moz

While there are many platforms out there to help businesses succeed in search, not many provide the software, tools, and resources like our friends at Moz. The Seattle-based company was founded in 2004 as a SEO consulting firm, and since has grown into one of the most well-respected and informational establishments in its category. Moz provides its subscribers with a deeper analysis of where their company stands amongst its competitors in the digital space.

Keyword Rankings

Moz’s ranking tool allows subscribers to track specific keyword rankings over time for both local and universal search results. Having ongoing rankings for keywords you are trying to target on your website provides the pulse of our client’s SEO performance. With this data, we can make strategic changes to optimize the website, improve our search rankings and maintain a competitive edge.

Crawl Diagnostics

Ensuring that your site is search engine friendly is crucial to the effectiveness in search results. Moz’s web crawler (affectionately referred to as RogerBot) identifies errors that may be occurring on your site such as duplicate page content, missing or duplicate meta content, broken links, 404 error pages, and more. From this diagnostic report, Starkmedia is able to make changes to ensure that your website is not being penalized in search due to development issues.

Social Engagement Tracking

Content marketing and social efforts are often difficult to measure, but Moz Analytics and other tools allow you to see how these inbound marketing programs drive traffic to your site. Being able to monitor your social efforts over time, view a competitor analysis, and sort your social media followers are only of a few of the ways that Moz helps your company gain a competitive social edge.

Links Overview

In the cumulative link profile feature, Moz provides you with a list of the links that are driving traffic to your site. Just like the features listed above, Moz allows you to monitor your link growth over time. Additionally, it gives you a sense of where your site is being mentioned without a link on other sites. This feature allows you to collaborate with other sites, and give your business maximum reach and visibility.

Starkmedia manages the Moz accounts of several of our clients, from identifying the keywords we want to track by conducting keyword research to making recommendations and writing content. Do you know how your website search performance is doing? Not happy with your results? Connect with our strategy team today and find out how Moz can help your business drive more inbound leads or prospective buyers to your website.