How to Identify Goals for a Website Redesign

A company can decide to redesign its website for many reasons, but one of the biggest motivators is the need for an updated appearance. While this is a valid and necessary reason to pursue a redesign, there are many marketing and business goals that need to be identified in order to create an impressionable and effective website. Here are a few steps that you should take when you are identifying goals for a redesign:

  1. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current site

Analyzing your current site is a crucial step in understanding how to make a better and more effective website. Getting a grasp on what currently is and isn’t working will help you determine which aspects of your site you want to keep, update or discard in regards to imagery and content. You can measure these strengths and weaknesses by looking at any analytical tools you are currently using, such as Google Analytics. These tools will show you how people are reaching your website, what they are clicking on, bounce rates, and more.

  1. Know your target customers

Has your target audience changed since your last website update? If it hasn’t, is your current website catering to the needs of your target audience? Asking yourself these questions will help you set up a website that will increase conversion rates. Knowing your target audience will help you make decisions that affect typography, keyword usage, imagery, and more. For example, if you have an older target audience, having your website become ADA compliant can enhance the overall user experience of your site. If your target audience is tech savvy, then presenting an up-to-date and interactive interface on your site will likely make them feel more connected to your brand.

  1. Reassess your website platform

Your website should facilitate your business model – not define it. If your current content management system or e-commerce platform is not allowing you to function efficiently, time, and money are lost. If you’re using a website platform that does not allow you to integrate with your ERP, CRM, or PIM, a redesign and replatform may be in order. Integrating your website with other internal and external systems saves you from performing redundant and time wasting tasks.

  1. Conduct a competitive analysis

Taking a look at the appearance, layout and functionality of your competitors’ websites can give you an idea of what you do and don’t want for your site’s redesign. Understanding digital trends in your industry can help you get an idea of where you stand, and where you hope to be once your new website is implemented. Not only can this competitive analysis help you determine certain aspects of your website, but it can also guide how you conduct your social media accounts, paid and organic search campaigns, and email marketing programs.

  1. Decide what actions you want site visitors to take

When a customer visits your website, what actions do you want them to take? Depending on your industry and specific type of business, this could be a wide variety of things. Whether you are hoping a lead will sign up for a weekly newsletter, make a purchase, fill out a form, or call your offices, your goals can be addressed specifically and uniquely in the design process. From “Call To Action” button placement to fixed messaging throughout a website, designers can make sure that the messages you want to get across to your customer base are emphasized and encouraged.

  1. Set measurable business objectives

Once you have identified the actions you want people to take while on your website, you are now ready to set measurable business objectives. Setting SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) will help you design the most successful website. They will also help you achieve optimization once the redesign is complete. Increasing your newsletter signups, decreasing bounce rates, and increasing e-commerce performance are just a few examples of goals you might want to focus on during your redesign. Knowing what you want from your website update will give you not only a beautifully designed website, but also a site that can help you meet all of your business goals.

Making sure that your website is aiding your overall business objectives isn’t always an easy process. Is your site in need of an update? Contact Starkmedia today and ensure that your business goals and website design are in sync.